Friday, October 5, 2012

I want my MUMMY. .

These are made several times during the Halloween Season.  They are quick and easy, something your kids can make on their own. 

Mummy Dogs
1 package crescent rolls
(found in the refrigerator section of your grocery store)
1 package hot dogs
Take each crescent roll and carefully stretch it into a long flat rope. Beginning at the top of a hot dog, wrap the dough around the head making a hat.  Then leave a space for the eyes, and continue wrapping all the way down the hot dog.  If you have dough left, wrap it back up the mummy, but in the opposite direction make a criss-cross.  Bake at 375 degrees for 12 minutes or until crescent rolls are golden brown.  Using ketchup or mustard, dot two eyes on each mummy just before serving.

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